Friday 21 June 2013


 Wise women know that they can't change their man. And those men should know that this goes both ways and they shouldn't try to change us either. The end result is not going to be good for them.
I learned this over time that the right person for me to be with was the one who didn’t want to change me. Because I am who I am and I’m not going to change.
Here are 10 things that you can never change about a woman:
1. She’s a list person. Because isn't it much better to write down everything that needs to get done instead of keeping it all in your head?
2. She has to do all the dishes before she goes to bed. Who wants to wake up to a dirty kitchen?
3. She gets dressed up to go out to dinner. Even if it's at the local watering hole. Because if you look good, you feel good.
4. She has a side of the bed. And she's been sleeping on it since she was a kid. Don't even try to get her to switch.
5. She has a lot of shoes. Or necklaces or purses. Whatever it is, women are collectors. So we need the bigger closet.
6. She doesn’t want you to comment when she gains weight -- just when she’s lost it.
7. She's a planner because there's always something to do. Laundry, bills, grocery shopping. If you want her company three weeks from yesterday, you need to ask her in advance.
8. Being on time is the rule not the exception. We'd much rather be early than late. And if you're late, it shows us that you don't respect our time.
9. Women pass gas. Yes, we do. It's one of the bodily functions we share with the rest of humanity. Don't expect us to stop doing that just because you're around.
10. When we say no, we mean no. By trying to change our minds, you make us plant our feet deeper in to the ground. And get mad.
What other things can't be changed about a woman?

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