Wednesday 26 June 2013


In case you still needed proof that Oprah Winfrey rules over all of mankind (or, at least all of entertainment), then Forbes is happy to help you out.

The venerable magazine has released its ranking of the world's 100 most powerful Celebs, and—shock of all shocks—the Queen of All Media is tops.

The 59-year-old mogul sits comfortably at No. 1 with an estimated $77 in earnings over the past year—a bump up from the previous two years, when she came in at No. 2.

(Last year's champ, Jennifer Lopez, took quite the tumble, however: She slipped all the way down to No. 12.)

Coming in second to Oprah is Lady Gaga, followed by Steven Spielberg, Beyoncé and Madonna, who round out the top five.

And while Oprah's $77 million haul is no chump change by any means, she isn't the top-earning celeb on the list. That would be Madge, whose whoppingly successful MDNA tour swelled her coffers by a cushy $125 million.

Earnings, however, wasn't the only criteria used to make the cut: According to the mag, the list measure a celeb's "money and fame, which includes estimated earnings over the last 12 months, and how often each celebrity is mentioned in print and on TV."

To that end, a trio of singers also made the top 10: Taylor Swift , Jon Bon Jovi and Justin Bieber.

Even the sports world got a shout-out—Roger Federer clocked in at No. 8, with $71 million in earnings—while Ellen Degeneres closed out the top 10.

Sounds like the affable (and fleet-footed) TV host has even more reasons to bust out her happy dance these days!

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