Monday 13 May 2013


Young teenage girls going through a transition period in their lives need to pay more attention to their  personal hygiene.Sweat glands that once lay dormant may become active, leading to body odor, and hormone levels change, causing hair to grow in places it never grew before.

The practice of good hygiene can make the changes a teenage girl goes through easier to deal with.
      Examples of such practices include; * Shower daily
                                                                 * Brush your teeth morning and night.
                                                                  * keep facial skin clean.
                                                                  * Use antiperspirants and deodorants.
                                                                  *. Change your clothes daily.
                                                                   * keep hair clean.
                                                                  *hair removal.

Step 1: Take your kid/ward to the pharmacy .Help her choose shampoos, antiperspirants, soaps, shaving gels shaving sticks that she needs to practice good personal hygiene.Allow her smell the various products and make her own selections.
Step 2 : keep lessons about personal hygiene light.Never embarrass the teen by saying things like "you smell" or "look at that greasy hair" instead use starters like "I use this great shampoo that really stops my hair from feeling so oily" or "you should try this terrific smelling body wash I just bought"

Step 3 : Set an example .A teen is old for you to baby and stand over as she washes herself.Instead, lead by example by announcing when you plan to shower, wash your hands and brush/ floss the teeth.If she sees you taking good care of your  body, she'll be encouraged to do the same.

Step 4 : Have regular talks with her on personal hygiene and new products u've discovered.Buy for her as well while you purchase yours and they should come in pretty girly colors

Step 5 :  Compliment her when you notice her following your advice on personal hygiene.Let her know she looks and smells good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay thanks for the tips