Friday 31 May 2013



  Hi everyone, I talked about nail polish hues/colours some days ago.Having beautifully coloured nails is one thing,making them last long enough to rock them is another.I know how annoying it can be when you have this beautiful nails done and the next day you see it's chipped: yeah, i know that feeling.So i decided to give u a few tips to enjoy your newly polished nails.
   Nail polish on natural nails don't last too long because our nails have natural oils that cause the nail polish to lift from the nails. Some other reason's include:

1.The nail polish was too thick.
2. A base coat was not used.
3. The nail itself is chipping and breaking.
4. The polish was not dried properly.
5. There were traces of oily residues on the nails.


    Before you start doing your nails,wash your hands properly  with a non-moisturizing soap or wipe each nail with a cotton ball soaked in polish will dissolve any lingering old colour as well as oils.
1. First, apply a thin layer of base coat, a whitish or clear formular that adhere's polish to the nail plate
2. Next, stroke on two coats of colour.Before painting, wipe the brush against the inner rim of the bottle.Less is more when it comes to nail polish, too much of it can lead to air bubbles and dents.

3. To keep your hand steady, rest your last three fingers on table.then paint on colour in three strokes (first the middle, then sides) so cuticles stay clean.

4. After the second coat, bookend the polish around the tips to help prevent chipping (a tell tale sign of too much texting). Hold the brush vertically,then sweep the side of it across the nail's edge to tint it with a thin,even coat of colour.

5. Swipe on a top coat to seal and add shine.Then hold each hand under a blow-dryer for two minutes on the warm setting (to evaporate solvents) and three minutes on cool (for a tough-as -nails finish).
     Using a polish with a little bit of shimmer (like the china glaze brand,which am loving so much right now) are usually better because the shimmering glitter helps adhere the polish to the nails.

     I hope i've been really useful? anyone knows any more tips to add?

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